FREE Pick Up and Delivery

We have service options for everyone…


$1.50 Fold only

$20 minimum per order

$50 per bag

(bag provided *see details below)


$20 minimum per order

By the Pound

$1.95 per pound

Simply fill a 13-gallon trash bag with your laundry. This is ideal for small loads or very large amounts (multiple bags).

* Need an example? A 13-gallon kitchen trash bag of laundry weighs 12-18 pounds.

$1.50 per pound Fluff & Fold (folding & sorting of already clean laundry)

Ladybug Bag Plan

$50 per bag

Want a flat rate price? This is your plan! STUFF our complimentary (see * below) reusable Red Ladybug Bag for this great rate. Our Ladybug Bag holds 30 pounds. That’s an 15% savings over By the Pound pricing.

*For first time users: Once you place an order for the Ladybug Bag plan, One (1) Ladybug Bag will be dropped off on your porch for you to stuff for pick up day. 

Have a full house? Additional Ladybug Bags are available for $10 each (bag only, not the services).

This plan does NOT include Same Day Service.

If the Ladybug Bag can’t be closed/cinched, an overflow charge of $10 may be applied.

Same Day Service

$2.95 pound

Same day service is priced by the pound only (Ladybug Bag Plan pricing does not apply) Pick up will be in the morning and it will be returned the same afternoon/evening.

*Not available on Sundays

Stain Treatment

.50 per item

Please place items you desire stain treatment in a separate bag (disposable grocery bag, etc.) and we’ll do our best to get it out. While we’re usually successful at removing stains, we can’t guarantee we’ll be able to get it out.

Comforters, Duvets, Blankets & Mattress Covers

Additional Laundry Bags

Exclusions - Items not accepted include but are not limited to any item containing:

Hometown Heroes Savings

We give 10% off for our Hometown Heroes! Military, LEO’s, Fire, EMS, Dispatchers, Teachers and Nurses. We thank you for your service to our community! Contact us for discount details.

Senior Savings

We love our Seniors and give 10% off for those 60+. Contact us for discount details.